Upworka - A Seamless Employee Onboarding Platform

5 Weeks
My Role:
UX Research
Rapid Prototype


Upworka is a HR management solution that streamline employees onboarding process and improve various HR and management processes. These solutions are designed to automate and digitize tasks such as employee onboarding, benefits administration, time and attendance tracking, performance review management, and succession planning.

The Discovery

At our digital firm (Webcoupers), we realized that people had difficulty adapting to our culture. A number of forms and paperwork had to be filled out in person, along with various training sessions and orientations. This was time-consuming for both HR staff and new hires and resulted in delays and confusion.

Market Research

To develop a comprehensive understanding of the Human Resources management market, I started with conducting primary research. My research involved analyzing a range of organizations, HR professionals, and articles to obtain a deeper insight into the benefits of HR solutions for businesses. Based on my research, I focused on linking user goals with business objectives.

4 C's of an employee onboarding product
The 4 C’s of employee Onboarding
Onboarding New Employees, Maximizing Success (SHRM, 2010), Tanya N. Bauer

User Interview

Discovering the perfect onboarding platform for our organization was no easy feat! We started by interviewing current employees to learn about their experience with the current process and identify their pain points. We also picked the brains of managers and HR to understand their wishlist for an improved onboarding process. These interviews were a goldmine of valuable insights that guided the journey towards creating the perfect solution.

The following are some key points that we learned from these interviews:

An excerpt from the HR & business owner interview:

upworka excerpt from HR and business interview

An excerpt from the employees interview:

upworka excerpt from employee interview

Finding based on the interview with HR/Business owner and employees:

upworka interview findings

Creating the Persona

As I delved deeper into understanding our target users and their needs, I developed user personas. These personas were crafted based on the research and interview findings to provide a clear picture of our users' demographics, behaviours, pain points, and goals. With these personas, I gained insights into their expectations and preferences when it comes to onboarding. This knowledge helped me develop a more user-centered onboarding platform that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations.

upworka user persona 01upworka user persona 02

Drafting the idea

paper wireframe

Wireframing is a crucial step in the process of bringing ideas to life. I believe in the power of visualization, which is why I put a lot of emphasis on creating wireframes that accurately represent the layout and functionality of our product. Through wireframing, I was able to test and refine my ideas, making sure we were on the right track towards creating a seamless user experience.

The focus on paper wireframes helped us prioritize functionality and usability. By keeping things simple, we were able to quickly iterate and make changes without getting bogged down by technical details.

upworka wireframe_iteration 1
1st iteration

We wanted to validate the sketches, thus a paper prototype test was performed to rapidly and inexpensively assess the product's usability and user experience with the goal of:

  1. Testing the usability of the product
  2. Identifying the most important features
  3. Gathering feedback from users
upworka wireframe_iteration 2
2nd iteration based on the paper prototype test

High Fidelity

The product - Employees view

upworka_HiFi 01
Homepage slider
The Company section provides employees with an understanding of the company's values, culture, and mission. This section includes a variety of resources such as company history, mission statement, company values, company culture, and organizational structure.
This section is designed to help new employees feel connected and integrated with their colleagues and teams.
The Performance section helps managers and employees track and evaluate their progress. This section includes tools for setting performance goals, tracking progress towards those goals, and providing feedback on performance.
This section is designed to provide new employees with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to be successful in their role. This section includes a variety of different training materials, such as video tutorials, interactive quizzes, and e-learning modules, all of which are designed to be engaging and easy to use.

Learnings and Key Takeaways

The project provided an opportunity to explore and design an employee onboarding solution. Through this project, I gained valuable insights into the design process and how it can be leveraged to enhance the employee experience.

The outcome was a successful onboarding solution that simplified the integration process for new employees and allowed them to better understand the company's culture. It was a rewarding experience to contribute to such a positive impact on the organization.
